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My Blogs

What I wish someone had of told me in the beginning

It makes me teary when I think back to the beginning.  How hard it was, the lack of certainty I had and the lack of trust I had within myself and the system.  I was barely surviving, barley coping with two kids under 2 and now a diagnosis.  I left that paediatricians office with nothing […]

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I have been nominated for the ICG coach of the year

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How I process the meltdowns

Meltdowns are never easy. They’re distressing, overwhelming and often leave the parents feeling helpless and hopeless. We, as parents, feel like we need to fix the problem when our child is upset, crying and dysregulated. We want to make that feeling that our child is experiencing to vanish. Let it be gone so that we […]

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What the decade has taught me

Ten years is a long time and yet it goes by so quickly. Faster than anyone can actually anticipate. Its not like your standing in that decade saying to yourself ‘OK well that was month 21 down and I’ve got 99 more months to go. Must not waste this decade’. This last decade began with […]

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How Resilient Are You?

Being a parent of a child who has additional needs you learn very quickly how to be resilient. How to bounce back. I learnt quickly that there was very little time for wallowing and self-pity. I most certainly had my breakdowns but they came when I was off the clock. When the kids were awake, I had to be mum. I had to be in charge of cooking, cleaning and managing all of the things that was requested of me. To pay the therapy bills and organise the appointments and do the menu planning. But let me make one thing clear – was I resilient at the beginning? Absolutely not. The scales were 100% tipped more to anger, blame, shame and frustration.

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