The beginning of something new

by | Jan 12, 2023

Can Normal Parents Have An Autistic ChildSo here we are, the beginning of 2023.  A new year, a fresh start, the beginning of something new.  I don’t know about you – but for me, new years resolutions were and still are hard.  This idea that I was going to lose 5kg, have my home be a display home, be more consistent getting my kids to bed earlier which would mean more time for myself and my husband, more time for self-care, more time for my friends and family and most importantly I would do whatever it would take to get my angel boy from progression to progression.

Now this theory of trying to achieve all these tasks seems all good and well when you’re writing a list on your phone, drinking a glass of wine whilst watching the latest series on Netflix, but the reality is I just never was able to achieve them.  Within a week the whole thing had fizzled out because I’d already eaten too much sugar, had too much screen time and just wasn’t motivated to do anything.

So, this last year I decided to change things up.  I created a vision board.  Don’t roll your eyes, let me explain.  This vision board wasn’t going to be all of things that I was going to somehow achieve in the next twenty years, it was a vision just for that year.  It also was accompanied by my word of the year.  My word for last year was intention and for the most part of 2022 I was exactly that. I had pictures and words that represented what I wanted to achieve in 2022 and I look back at that board today I can say with confidence that I nailed or on the way to nailing all of it.

So, I write this to you today because today is the day I begin my next vision board for 2023 and all of the things I want to achieve in 2023.  See this is thing – when you become a parent of a special needs child, your dreams, desires, hopes, and aspirations go flying out the door because your main priority now is that precious soul.  Your dreams are put on a back burner without even the slightest second thought.  For the longest of time, my dreams were packed away in a box in my mind, covered in cobwebs, nowhere to be seen.  Yet, if there’s one thing I noticed more than anything was that if I wasn’t pouring from a somewhat full cup, I wasn’t pouring at all.  I had nothing to pour.  I had nothing to give, so how in Gods green acres was I able to help my angel boy?  It was then that I decided that I needed to do something that was going to make me happy.

For me, the things that makes me happy, that didn’t cost money – working out in our home gym (literally weights and a treadmill).  Its nothing fancy but it does the job.  It makes me feel alive when I work out.  Motivated, energised and ready to start the day.  Catching up with my girlfriends is paramount.  Without my girlfriends I don’t know where I would be.  The ability to go into a group where I am fully supported, and I know that the information given is going into the vault is hugely valuable. Research can be found on many studies showing that women do far better when they are surrounded by other women friends.

So, I ask you – firstly have you created your vision board for 2023?  It doesn’t have to be fancy or perfect.  It just needs to list your goals through a variety of pictures or words.  Pictures or words that mean something to you and only you.  And like I mentioned earlier, its only for the goals in 2023.  It’s like that gentle reminder, of what you said you wanted to accomplish this year.

2023 will look very different to 2022 for me.  I have much more clarity this year and I want that so much for you.

If this resonates with you or its something you’d like to talk more about, please feel free to book in an obligation free introduction call.

I am here.  Please book in a 30-minute free introduction call here.  Let’s connect over a cuppa.  I’ve got you.