The how to guide on qualifying questions to find the right speechie or OT for your autistic child

by | May 24, 2023

Part of showing up for your autistic child is finding the right therapist for them and for you.  No one teaches you the questions you will need to ask in order to qualify what a great therapist is.  One that is a great match for you and your child.  In this blog I aim to share some of the tips that I have found have worked well for the process of finding and qualifying our therapists whilst on our journey with autism.

Firstly, referrals are always going to be your first go to.  Most parents are part of a community that they can ask from a fellow mum about how their child is going and what’s working for them, however, below are some other ways you can get referrals:

– What level of autism do you work with?  Level 1, level 2, level 3 or all levels?

– How long have you practicing?

– What are some of your success stories?

– What do you find challenging with kids on the spectrum?

– What strategies do you apply when a child is dysregulated

I would also encourage you to check out the Speech Pathology Australia website (

As well as the Occupational Therapy Australia website (



Below are some questions that I have found helpful in qualifying if this therapist is right for you or not:

– What level of autism do you work with? Level 1, level 2, level 3 or all levels?

– How long have you practicing?

– What are some of your success stories?

– What do you find challenging with kids on the spectrum?

– What strategies do you apply when a child is dysregulated?



Other things to look out for are:

– Do you feel comfortable in their presence?

– Do you think your child feels comfortable in the therapy session?

– Can you freely ask questions or do you feel like you can’t ask questions?

– Do they respond to emails that you’ve sent?

– Do you feel you can voice your opinion in the therapy sessions?

– Do you feel like your opinions are being heard and supported?

– Do you feel good after a therapy session or do you feel let down, annoyed or overwhelmed?

I hope these tips help you in your way to finding the right therapist for you.

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