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My Blogs

Summer Lovin’ Dysregulation

  As Aussies, we love summer holidays.  The days are long, filled with days at the beach, at the pool, catching up with friends, going to bed late, waking up early and eating watermelon as the juice runs down your arms. Yep, that is a typical idea of how a summer looks for most parents.  […]

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The beginning of something new

So here we are, the beginning of 2023.  A new year, a fresh start, the beginning of something new.  I don’t know about you – but for me, new years resolutions were and still are hard.  This idea that I was going to lose 5kg, have my home be a display home, be more consistent […]

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Praying for a miracle

Christmas time used to be such a bittersweet time for me.  Long before I had kids it was the most amazing time of year.  Catching up with friends and family, eating the most delicious foods and no doubt having my mum’s award winning (well in my point of view) sticky date pudding was enough to […]

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Is going for a bath the new meditation?

When I was younger, I used to be a water baby.  Always in the pool for endless hours, no doubt driving my mum mad, my fingers getting all pruney and developed well pronounced tan lines.  The water for me was my happy place.  Somewhere I could go and just have fun, let my worries slip […]

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Comparison – Killing you from the inside out

Comparison is the thief of all joy.  Theodore Roosevelt I still remember the day, its so clear in my mind – I was sitting at a kinder meeting for my son and all the parents were laughing, rolling their eyes about how much their child was signing the bones song.  You know the one …. […]

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