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My Blogs

How many times have you been offered unsolicited advice?

How many times have you listened to advice from people who aren’t in your shoes or who haven’t walked your journey? For me, that number would be very, very high.  Let me take you back to the early stages, just after we had received the autism diagnosis for my angel boy.  I was listening to […]

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3 mistakes I wish I never made as a mum of an autistic child

Mums in general, we’re hard on ourselves.  Harder than any other group I’ve ever witnessed.  Mum guilt.  Mum shame.  Mum burnout.  We tear shreds off ourselves for not having done something to the standard that we had hoped for.  A standard so high that most people would not be able to accomplish it.  Welcome to […]

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How my ego got in the way of giving my son a resource that could have helped him

I was talking with someone on the weekend, and he was telling me about how his niece, currently 15 years old and non speaking, is giving his sister a hard time.  He went on to give me some examples of the kind of behaviour she exhibits.  My first question to him was does she have […]

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I’ve been nominated for the Global Women of Influence Awards!!!

I’ve been nominated for an award.  Not just any award.  It’s the Global Women of Influence awards, 2024. When I first got the email to say that I had been nominated I had to read it twice.  Me?  Nominated? To say that I beyond thrilled is an understatement.  I am honoured and privileged to have […]

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My marriage suffered after we received the autism diagnosis

Marriage can be hard.  Relationships can be hard.  Trying to work, raise a family, cook, clean, pay the bills, it’s a lot for anyone.  However, when an autism diagnosis is thrown in the mix, making time for your relationship can seem that last thing on your priority list. As a mum, your survival instincts are […]

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