Dear Teacher…

by | Apr 13, 2023

Dear teacher, I know my child doesn’t learn like other typical children, but he is trying.  Dear teacher, please do not take my child’s wandering around the room as disobedience, he is trying to regulate himself.  Dear teacher, please don’t think I’m being painful when I email you or enquire about my child’s progress.  I am nervous and wanting the best for him. Dear teacher, please give my child grace, he is overcoming challenges that you or I will never know about.

Mainstream schools are hard to navigate.  Aides, funding, resources, brain breaks, schedules, visuals and the list goes on.  When parents of autistic children go into the mainstream system, whether that be private, public or independent (eg, Catholic school) parents are not given the tools and resources on how to navigate this time for their child.  Resources can sometimes be slim to none, and parents are left feeling helpless and hopeless in their fight for the right of their child to get an education.

This is why it’s imperative to get a solid team around you.  An allied health team that has worked with your child for months or years.  Who knows your child and can provide valuable feedback to the teacher.

Another resource that I have found extremely valuable is having a Learning specialist and education consultant.  Finding Rachel has been a Godsend.  She has supported me in ways that I cannot explain.  Rachel has 20 years of experience working as a special needs teacher.  Rachel now works alongside teachers and aides within mainstream schools to be that support person you, as a parent, have always been craving.  Rachel provides strategies within the classroom for your child.  She will go the extra mile for you when you, as a parent, feel like your compass isn’t working and you don’t even know which way is north.  Rachel’s coaching and strategy support has been invaluable in our IEP meetings.  Just knowing she is by my side, has provided so much relief.  DM if you would like to know more about Rachel and her work.

Another resource I have felt extremely helpful is qualifying the school prior to your child starting with them.  I have a FREEBIE that I can email to you.  It’s a checklist of questions to ask schools prior to starting so that you have a good feel for what kind of school they are if you feel that they qualify as the right school for your child.

So, my dear friend, please know that you are not on this journey alone.  You have resources around you to help you, but first you must ask for the help you so very much need and deserve.

Don’t forget to register for my FREE upcoming webinar: Reduce overwhelm, learn 6 simple strategies to help your child and yourself.  Click here to get your FREE ticket

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