Normal. A word that cuts deep
When I look up the word ‘normal’ in the dictionary the meaning says ‘conforming to a standard, usual, typical or expected’. These words do not elicit fun, joy or excitement within me. Rather, when I imagine these words, I imagine beige, boring, and mediocre. So why has society put so much emphasis on wanting to be ‘normal’. I don’t ever want to conform to normal if it means that I must become standard or usual.
I often hear parents of typical children when in conversation with a parent of a neurodiverse child that the typical child attends a ‘normal’ school. Pump the breaks!!! By saying that your child attends a normal school presumes that my child attends an abnormal school. Is this what you are trying to convey? To the parents of typical children please be put on notice, there is nothing abnormal about my child. Nor is there anything abnormal about their school, their stims, the way they express themselves or how they show up.
Let me put it to you this way. Back in the day there was a time where parents would load their kids in the car. A car that had no seat belts. To them having no seat belts was normal. Typical. Usual. It was how they’ve always experienced their car. But it wasn’t until the Minister for Transport and Roads, Rob Stokes (Australia) said the landmark law, which was to be introduced in 1971 that seat belts were to become mandatory in all vehicles. Now, a new version of normal was being established. There was an expectation that when you got in your car to drive to your destination that you would put on your seat belt as it was going to save your life.
The age of neurodiverse is upon us ladies and gentlemen. A time where we are seeing children with a range of abilities being excluded. Shoved out of society because they are not conforming to normal. Typical. Usual.
I will point out – if you did not have these brilliant minds, you wouldn’t be able to read this blog post on your phone, care of Steve Jobs nor would you be able to read it on your PC, care of Bill Gates. One officially diagnosed (Bill Gates) and the other not officially diagnosed, yet clearly demonstrates specific traits of Autism (Steve Jobs).
So I ask you, the parent of an Autistic child – share this blog with your friends who are parents of typical children. Educate them. Remind them that using the word ‘normal’ in your conversation is not good enough. There is nothing abnormal about my child. His or her mind is brilliant. He or she has the ability to see solutions in a way that a typical mind cannot.
Let’s take that word and throw it where it belongs. In the bin.
The world needs less normal and more thinking outside the box. More inclusion. More love. More acceptance of these beautiful souls and how they show up.
Please be kind in your words, because those words, to us, cut deep.
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