Navigating 2024: Empowering Mums of Newly Diagnosed Autistic Children

by | Jan 29, 2024

Hello!!!! Welcome to 2024!  I hope you had an uneventful summer break with your family filled with laughter, fun and a splash of dysregulation.  What would the summer holidays be if you’re kids weren’t dysregulated right?  The late nights, the sometimes food becomes the regular food and more importantly, the early wake up’s and watching more screen time than ever before.

2023 for me was a pretty hectic, crazy, unrelenting year.  A ridiculous amount of highs and lows.  That’s the thing with the autism diagnosis – it’s the gift that keeps on giving, you don’t really know when you’re going to receive that next sucker punch.  Yet, as mothers of children with ASD, we know that perseverance is our middle name and so we get back up, dust ourselves off and go on to fight another day.

I’ve got some really cool projects lined up for 2024. Free masterclasses, coffee and connection catch up’s and lots of speaking engagements.

2024 is the year I really want to add a lot of value back into my community.  Children are being diagnosed with Autism more frequently, mums are left to feel powerless, hopeless and ill equipped to deal with the pressure that comes with the diagnosis. Cue You Are Seen – I want to share with mums, and no doubt some dad’s as well, some tried and tested tools and strategies that I know will work.  I have been where you are right now.  I have felt those emotions, that fear, that uncertainty and most importantly I’ve felt that wave of overwhelm that encompasses you like a wet blanket trying to snuff out any oxygen you have left.

But it’s not all doom and gloom.  There is so much to garner from this journey.  So many lessons to be learnt.  Don’t run from the fear, embrace it.  Lean into it.

It’s only by learning about yourself will you be able to better show up for your child.

The healing starts with the mother.

You are the captain of this ship, if you are not firing on all six cylinders it means your child isn’t either.

As I write this email, I am acutely aware that school is starting this week or next and sometimes kids can have high anxiety knowing their going back to school, which causes dysregulation, which then flows onto mum and dad. Know that you’re not alone and that getting back into routine can definitely help in more ways than one.

If you’ve got questions, or you’re trying to fight your way out of the wave of overwhelm, I am here. Sometimes a listening ear can help so much, to provide clarity in a situation where it feels like you have little to no control.

So here’s, to a huge 2024.  Hopefully more highs than lows, yet I remind myself that it is in the lows that we learn the lessons.

I can’t wait to share this journey with you and give you more ease, less worry, more learning and less overwhelm.

Watch out for my FREE masterclass email which is coming out shortly.

Take care,


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Buy my book: #SheSpeaks – Stories of trauma to triumph, Amazon Number 1 Best Seller!