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My Blogs

What you need to know about the Ezra Movie

Last week I watched the Ezra movie.  It’s taken me a week to decompress and find the right words in how I can express my thoughts.  I walked in there hoping to see an inspirational story about autism, I left feeling like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and stomped on. Ezra […]

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The early signs I missed with my angel boy…

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behavior, and social interactions. Early detection, in my opinion is crucial, as it allows for timely intervention, which can significantly improve outcomes for children on the spectrum. Understanding and recognizing the early signs of autism in infants and toddlers can be challenging, but it is essential for parents and […]

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What I would have told the old me…

I wish I had me at the beginning of this journey.  The current me.  The me with all the knowledge and know how on how to live this life through the autism journey.  I wish I had the current version of me to advise the old me of how I could re-frame so much of […]

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To our typical daughter…here’s what I want you know…

To our beautiful daughter, I know this journey has been rough on you sometimes.  I know you haven’t always understood the reasons as to why we have made the decisions we’ve made, but I wanted to write this to you… I will forever be indebted to you.  I know you were sent to us specifically […]

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Going from Grief to Growth…

When we first received the news that my angel boy was autistic, it took the oxygen from lungs.  It made my heart stop.  It made my stomach drop.  With the word autism came so much grief, worry and uncertainty.  With it came a sack of worries that I could never ever put down.  Continuously dragging […]

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