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My Blogs

3 top tips when faced with adversity

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and the most beautiful.”   Walt Disney. I can confidently say that I have faced more adversity than most of my peers.  I have been thrown more challenges and needed to find more solutions than most.  However, it is through that process of having a challenge come […]

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Are you masking?

This is what masking looks like.  From the outside everything looked great.  I was put together, I looked good, I sounded good, and people thought everything was amazing.  But on the inside, I was a mess.  On the inside, I wanted to shout and scream and yell.  I wanted to blame and hit and punish […]

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The day we started prep

It was only three short years ago that my angel boy started prep.  A milestone I had both loved and dreaded at the same time.  I was so excited for him to start big boy school.  To wear the uniform and be part of something bigger, but as the days grew closer I could feel […]

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The impact of reliving a traumatic event

  The day that I received the diagnosis will be forever etched in my brain.  A moment in time that was so profound that I remember who I was with, what I saw, what I heard and what I felt.  When a person experiences a traumatic event, adrenaline rushes through the body and the memory […]

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Big feelings from our little people

I’ve been quiet on socials this week.  Quieter than normal.  Because something big was going on in my life.  Something that was requiring a lot of my time and my energy.  My little people were experiencing some really, really big feelings. School holidays can be long and sometimes, at the end, kids and parents alike […]

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